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Handling of personal data private and corporate customers

We always process the information that our customers entrust to us in a careful and responsible manner. In order for you to have services with us, we need to collect, use and save certain information about you.

Our privacy policy is divided into two parts depending on whether you are a private customer or if your relationship with us is through your company. The privacy policy explains, among other things, which of your personal data we process, why we process them, how we collect them, on what legal basis we support the processing and how long we store the data. The information also describes what rights you have with regard to your personal data and where to turn if you have questions about how we process your personal data.

When we write "SEB", "we" or "us" on this page, we mean Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (”SEB”).

Organisation number: 502032-9081
Mail address: 106 40 Stockholm, Sweden

This privacy notice was last updated on September 2, 2023.

What constitutes personal data?

Personal data is information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living person. For example, this may include name and social security number, but also other data such as your IP address or your recorded voice may also be considered personal data if it can be linked to you.

Some personal data is considered particularly sensitive and is subject to special rules. Sensitive personal data refers to information that reveals for example trade union membership or health data. Also, dietary information is sensitive information. 

Who do you collect information about?

We collect information about you if you have entered into, or want to enter into, an agreement with us. This may be as a customer, guarantor or mortgagor, for example. Alternatively, we sometimes need to collect information about you if you are a depositor, legal guardian, custodian, proxy holder, representative, authorised signatory, certain type of contact person or beneficial owner. You will find information on how we process your personal data as a representative, company signatory or beneficial owner further down in this privacy policy, starting with the paragraph entitled - Information for you as a corporate customer.

Information for you as a corporate customer

Personal data that we process about you as a beneficial owner

Personal data that we process about you as a representative, authorised signatory or similar for a company

Data protection officer

We have appointed a data protection officer to ensure that we comply with personal data protection legislation. The data protection officer must carry out their duties independently of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ).

If you want to get in touch with our data protection officer you can do so by writing to

 SEB, Data Protection Officer
Eteläesplanadi 18,
00130 Helsinki, Finland or tietosuoja@om.fi.

You can also contact us by phone on +358 (0)9 6162 8000

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