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SEB financial advisor for Metso

SEB Corporate Finance is acting as the financial advisor for Metso and as the Lead Manager and Arranger for the demerger into two companies Metso Oyj and Valmet Oyj.

SEB Corporate Finance is acting as the financial advisor for Metso and as the Lead Manager and Arranger for the demerger into two companies Metso Oyj and Valmet Oyj.

Metso's Board has approved a demerger plan to transfer all the assets, debts and liabilities of Metso's Pulp, Paper and Power businesses to a newly-formed company that will be named Valmet Corporation. An application will be made to list the shares of Valmet on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange. Following the demerger, Metso's current Mining and Construction and Automation businesses would remain in the current company, which would continue to operate under the Metso name.

The demerger will require the approval of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Metso. If approved, the planned registration date of the completion of the demerger is December 31, 2013 and public trading in new Valmet shares on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki is expected to commence as soon as possible thereafter.

In 2012, Metso Corporation illustrative pro-forma net sales were EUR 4,499 million, and EBITA before non-recurring items EUR 496 million and Valmet Corporation net sales were EUR 3,005 million, and EBITA before non-recurring items EUR 192 million.

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