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Breaking ground for green bonds

Green Bonds were the focus of interest at SEB's Green Bond Seminar and led to a lively discussion among Finnish corporate treasurers and institutional investors. The seminar sought and found the answers to why, how and when Green Bonds will root and grow in Finland.

Practical experiences on issuance were shared by Swedish property company Vasakronan's (the first corporate issuer of Green Bonds in the world) Portfolio Manager Jonas Rosengren. Gaia Consulting's Mari Hjelt contributed to the discussion with a presentation about how leading companies are integrating sustainability into their corporate strategies.

"We see Finnish corporations and municipalities as very eligible issuers in the Green Bond market as many of them have integrated sustainability issues into the overall strategy. Expanding these activities into the financing and investor space would further develop the sustainable business society and marketplace. We are convinced that Green Bonds will root and grow in Finland as we move into next year" says SEB's Mats Olausson, Senior Advisor, Climate & Sustainable Financial Solutions.

Learn more about Green Bonds

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